Friday, March 21, 2014

Princess (Intro)

Princess- Jean Sasson

Not going to lie, I barely ever read non-fiction. I like to use books as an escape from reality, choosing to live in world full of fictional characters where everything just magically turns out happily ever in the end instead of something that forces me to see the harsh world we live in. It was a bit of a struggle to actually find a good book that was going to be interesting to me and would not be some random book that was such a drag to read. I went online and spent more time than I’m willing to admit searching for books that would interest me. I ended up in a section of memoirs of women living in the Middle East. I ended up choosing “Princess” for its connection to history.  I’m excited to see what the story is like because honestly, I am ignorant about the Middle East. That being said, I’m not one of those people that think all Muslims are terrorists, but I don’t know a lot about their culture or the way they live their life, so it should be interesting to get a glimpse inside of it.  However, I was cautioned when reading the reviews of the book that not all Muslims are like this, and this is not how all females are treated. But this book is specifically about a member of the royal family, as she is a direct descendant of the king (I think…I’m not entirely sure..) It should be interesting to read. See you in the next blog post!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kara, I think this book sounds incredibly interesting, especially since it relates to what we are learning in history right now. I, much like you, don't know much about the Muslim culture or the way the live, so I think that reading about someone who is immersed in that lifestyle would be a valuable resource for information. I hope you are enjoying your book!
